Banshee: The Kindred (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5
Meet the new Mayor of Crazytown
19 August 2014
If you are an action junkie, if you are a fan of Cinemax, if you found the premise of Banshee intriguing (it is), if you like rooting for the underdog production company because you know they will try harder ... if any or all these apply to you, then winner winner chicken dinner, this episode will be very satisfying indeed.

To be honest it feels less like an episode in a TV series and more like someone took a Stallone/Van Damme story and boiled it down to the essence. Which bring up another point. The criticism thrown against STRIKE BACK was too much emphasis on the characters was overshadowing the fact that almost none of the missions ever actually worked.

That was very "TV." Someone was listening. The first year of Banshee has BOTH great character development and, to understate it, stuff does indeed get done. Making the lead character slightly crazy off the top turns out to have been a brilliant move (remember the first Lethal Weapon, before the franchise turned into a comedy?) because in a TV action series, "crazy" delivers.
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