Hawaa Hawaai (2014)
Another Good Film By Amol Gupte Following The Success Of Stanley Ka Dabba(2011)
21 August 2014
In both Stanley Ka Dabba and Hawaa Hawaai, the underlying topic is the same. Children in India are forced to become child laborers due to extreme poverty. This costs them a chance to have a decent eduction and make something of themselves in life.

The ever increasing population of India means that a lot of it mainly consists of young children, who are employed far below the minimum wage to that of an adult. On top of this, the children are most of abused by the employer in the form of light beatings and occasional slaps to the face. The conditions these children work in are often below health and safety standards, and so many of them do fall sick and even die.

The film Hawaa Hawaai is the story of Arjun Harishchandra Waghmare(Partho Gupte), whose father has passed away recently, and therefore he has no option by to support his family by working at a refreshment stall for a meager pay. One day he sees some children Rollerblading at night and he becomes enthralled. From that day he dreams about getting a pair of Rollerblade for himself. Will his dreams come true? Watch the film to see what happens next.

Verdict: Having seen Gupte's earlier above-mentioned film, I thought this film would be even better. But no, Stanley Ka Dabba remains his best film. Rollerblading is a sport invented by the Western civilization. It has nothing to do with the Hindus of India. The late Swami Vivekanda often told repeatedly about the loss of Hindu spiritualism due to Western influence. How true his words sound now, when India is adopting every vice that was created by the West and is now corrupting the youth who are the future of India.

As for a solution to poverty in India. It is to adopt that communist ideal which was written by Marx and Engels. To smash the elite class in India, redistribute their wealth to the poor and needy. To control the population, a one child per two people policy should be adopted, regular and yearly population census should be taken.
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