Review of Thank You

True Blood: Thank You (2014)
Season 7, Episode 10
Everyone Just Stop
25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Good Lord, I think most comments from people are just so they can get a rise out of others. Stop acting like the finale was as bad as "The X- Files", "Lost", "Roseanne", "Sex and the City", "Camelot","The Sopranos", "Life on Mars", "Alf", "Quantum Leap", "M.A.S.H.", "St. Elsewhere", "How I Met Your Mother", "Dexter" or "Seinfeld".

What do they call it when people post nefarious and negative reviews of things just to try and get a rise out of people? Trolling?

Maybe Eric should have tricked Sookie into marrying him like he did in the books? Or maybe Jason should have become a Werepanther and practically vanish from the show like he did in the books? Maybe Sarah should have been beheaded and her head thrown on a pike and erected in Fangtasia? Maybe Hep V should have killed everyone that had it? Oh, I got it! Why not introduce yet another character from the books that Sookie falls in love with, Quinn, the Weretiger.

Did it occur to anyone that maybe HBO left it open the way they did so they can return to it like they wanted to do with "Rome" and are doing with "The Comeback"? Or that they may give us a 2 hour movie a couple years from now? Sookie was still a Fae, vampires still roam the earth as do shifters, witches and who knows what else.

The ending wasn't as bad as bad as some are making it out to be. It wasn't as good as some out there but at least it wrapped things up. Friends were with friends, Eric and Pam had their greedy little empire going, Lafayette and Arlene found love, Jason finally (kind of) grew up and Sookie is starting a family. If you want to watch some really bad episodes that made no sense and really had no place being in the show, watch some of the episodes in seasons 4 & 5. There was very little redeeming merit in a lot of those. If you want crappy endings, just watch any of the fourteen shows I mentioned above. "True Blood" was given the ending it needed.
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