Terrible and childish attempt of horror-comedy
23 August 2014
Lur-Lerd and two subordinates go from Bangkok to the countryside to try to buy some lands and build a resort. On arriving to their destiny their car dies and have to spend the night there. In the village they will meet with some local chiefs that will do everything in their hands to make the deal and the opposition of the monks and the ghosts who live in a cemetery included in the lands of the deal.

While Thailand cinema is evolving and giving great movies during the last 10-15 years, this movie is the example of the opposite. It fails in every aspect. The story is never really explained and the viewer has to guess from the beginning. The editing is terrible giving the sense that the movie is just a bunch of different sketchs that have been put together. The effects...this may be the worst...not only silly sounds are included any time some childish joke is made (some of the characters name is just Dickie and Pussy as example of the humor of the movie) but also the supposed scenes that happens during the night were filmed in daytime and then added some blue filter to make them look different from the real daytime scenes. And the acting, well that will be the less bad part of the movie. If you are looking for some horror-comedy from Thailand I'd recommend you to skip this one and try something like "Buppah Rahtree"...but if you are fan of really bad Thai movies like "Diecovery", "The sisters"...then, this one is for you.
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