New generic Leprechaun movie dismisses the fun and original series.
28 August 2014
I gave this movie 3 out of 10 stars and that was being generous. It was entertaining enough to get through the whole thing and some cute chicks, but that's not saying much. It was sooooo generic. The typical cabin in the woods style film with nothing special added to it.

I thought the film sounded bad from the very beginning and after I watched this, it just proved my point. Why did they have to change the formula from the Warwick Davis series? They had a fan following and this movie just has fans dumping on it while not gaining any new fans.

There was nothing fun about the monster. He didn't talk, didn't look like a tradition Leprechaun. More like one of those creatures from the movie "The Descent". I don't understand how Hollywood needs to remake everything and give everything more of a "realistic" approach. All these original horror series such as Leprechaun, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween used to be a lot more fun then what they are now.

All I have to say is booooooo. Two thumbs down. BRING BACK WARWICK DAVIS!!! Make that long talked about Leprechaun:In the Old West. I love all those movies for as cheesy as they are. They were fun.
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