Excellent Movie For Christians
28 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Souls In Conflict" is an excellent movie for Christians to watch, and as a tool for spreading Christianity.Yes it is outdated.The movie was made in 1954.But that is the movie's charm.I believe as a Christian that the message is more important than the age of the content,for God's love for us does not change with time.I read a review for this movie, and the reviewer seemed hung up on the time period for the movie.The reviewer did not understand the film's intent and message.The message of this fine Christian movie is that no matter who you are or your personal circumstances in life,God's love for you does not change.He wants us to seek him and ask for his help and love through his only begotten son Jesus Christ.Yes the stories are hokey and corny ,but in these perverse and savage times that we live in, it is wonderful and refreshing to watch a gentle film about man seeking God.Note that Joan Winmill Brown is in this movie and that gives it an extra plus in my eyes.Billy Graham and his library of Worldwide pictures is important to me.Please I implore you to give this rare gem of a movie a chance even though it is old fashioned and somewhat corny.I have this movie.
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