Saturday Night Live: Oprah Winfrey/Joe Jackson (1986)
Season 11, Episode 14
Joe Jakson
30 August 2014
This episode introduced me to this 'weird',yet 'Awesome' musical artist.

My very favorite song is "soul kiss" followed by "right and wrong". Upon seeing him perform these two songs, I remember rushing to the record store to buy his "world tour" album. Whenever I turn my friends on to his music, I ask: you heard of 'Joe Jackson' , right? Most of them think I mean "Micheal Jackson's" dad, also named Joe Jackson!! Usually I need to play the song "step'in out" by him, before they know who I mean. Boy, talk about the "banana boat" !! Duh.. Not long ago,(perhaps a year or two), I saw Joe Jackson perform a song playing

piano, on " Jimmy Fallon's" late night talk show, and he's still got it!!
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