Star Trek: The Savage Curtain (1969)
Season 3, Episode 22
Giants from history
30 August 2014
This episode shows how truly tired the Star Trek writers were getting. At least twice before William Shatner was captured by aliens and put into combat situations for some gain or amusement of superior aliens. In this one he has Leonard Nimoy for company and a pair of giants from earth and Vulcan history. Lee Bergere and Barry Atwater playing Abraham Lincoln and Surak the founder of Vulcan logic philosophy.

Some volcanic rock creatures with some amazing powers have decided to see what the concepts of good and evil are all about. They also recreate four people who are considered villains in universal history.

Really though, to make this truly even as it seems only contemporary good had anything to lose I would have had two people defined as evil in the Star Trek world also competing. That would have made it more interesting.

Star Trek prime was grinding to a halt and this is why.
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