31 August 2014
Like a lot of people, I went to see this because of Josh Holloway.

Basically it's about a group of American tough guys all wanting to be the alpha male. There is so much machismo in this. It's so painful to watch. And the ending is so predictable. You guessed it. The American tough guy alpha males who at the beginning were all independent cowboy types all through the guidance of their coach (Holloway) came together as a team and learned to appreciate teamwork and true friendship.

Josh Holloway isn't even very good. He plays a drunk has-been who nobody thinks is any good, but when confronted with the challenge he gives up then he fails then he lifts himself up and makes a gallant effort. There are so many clichés in this movie that a MacBook air doesn't have the computing power to count them all.

Whatever you do, don't waste your time.
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