stupid scenario ruined a movie in the very beginning
31 August 2014
so the radar guy notified the two guys on the tower that an object was on the same course in the opposite direction 6,000 yards away and approaching. those two guys on the tower just took a look in the fog, saw nothing (but of course!) and told the radar watcher to notify them when the distance between them was reaching 3,000 yards. can you believe this kind stupid operation by a u.s. nuclear submarine?! why they had to maintain the cruise course? why they could not adjust the course just a lit bit to avoid any possible crash? were there so many objects in front of the submarine that forced it to maintain their course? well, what a stupid scenario! when the radar guy notified the captain of the foreign cargo ship lost their radar, he ran up to the bridge to notify the captain, he just told the crew to continue the course. one of the bridge member asked the captain: "don't we have to stop the ship to repair the radar first in this heavy fog?" well, if the captain decided to stop the cargo ship, the stupid submarine would still crash into the cargo ship, because the subs would still maintain their crash course. this is such a stupid movie that sickened me to the extreme. a good movie would not bend itself too wide just to make the scenarios serve the development of it so conveniently, overlooking the illogical, ridiculous and unreasonable plot. i just couldn't go on once a stupid premise blindly served the purpose. watching this stupid movie is like after heard the warning of the radar guy they were on a crash course to an approaching object 6,000 yards away, yet the two guys on the conning tower simply told him to notify them when it reached them on the same course @ 3,000 yards. you heard my similar warning here too, but you still decided to maintain on the crash-collision course. good luck and, see you on the bottom of the deep ocean.
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