What a mess this movie is... could had been way better
1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Its really disappointing when you see a movie with such potential turning up to be such a high disappointment. The premise was good, and it could had made up for a very nice ambient horror movie with the ghost subject and all. Maybe had some nice gruesome kills on top of that, but i would had mainly see it as ambient horror. But sadly it turned out to be just a confusing mess. The characters for a start are so unbelievable. The situation shown in the flashbacks are totally out of nowhere and you are just thinking "did i just saw that?". The core of the story about the kids killing the Indian dude is also completely weird. Then how they behave in the day the movie is happening is also completely off the roof stupid.

The only 2 characters that are slightly interesting are Veronica and Matt, but even there at some point they got me loss. The ambiance is not scary at all. The ghost effects look cheap and fake(they turn out to be in the story but still...) so it does not make for a scary movie at all. The kills are mostly done off screen or in ways that are not satisfying either. The only time the movie score points is because it always make you guess on what is happening but sadly the way they reveal the story is not nicely done at all.

At the end it turn out the bad guys are Veronica(for what reason... i am still thinking about it) and the teacher who put them in detention in the first place. Again not really understanding why they did that, and why he kill his sidekick either. Oh yeah because she made him sick... ahem.

Then there is some kind of final twist which show Max the janitor pretty much being the relative of the Indian dude(even tough he does not look Indian at all) and putting the blame of the killing on Matt... just because Matt "could be" a descendant of the general who massacred some Indians in the old time. Yeah confusing right? So was he with the teacher or not? Did he just seized the occasion? In any case even the ending is not remotely satisfying.

Oh and i almost forgot to mention the music... ouch. Its truly amazingly bad and irritating. The sound effects on the other hand where OK.

So well sadly this movie turn out to be just another cheap horror slasher with a bad twist and you won't remember it in T-minus 1 day...yup already forgot.
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