Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hero Worship (1992)
Season 5, Episode 11
Two Kid Episodes in a Row
1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A ship is severely damaged. There is only one survivor, a boy of about ten years old. He is trapped under some heavy supports. Data rescues him by using superior strength, then has them beamed on board the Enterprise. This is another episode where a child has lost his mother and father and must try to cope. He becomes distant and won't listen to his teachers. He becomes attached to Data and wants to emulate, pretending to be an android himself. This, of course, is a survival method, but Data is given the task of trying to draw out of the young fellow what happened to him. The Enterprise has entered a field that is destroying the ship, acting similarly to the Vigo, the ship the boy was on. They are at a loss and want badly to draw information from the boy to see what was going on on the ship when it died. Data and the boy are quite humorous when they match each other's quirks, but this only goes a bit of the way. The episode depends too much on a tight little ending that is just too pat.
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