Poirot: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case (2013)
Season 13, Episode 5
David Suchet's acting is beyond amazing
3 September 2014
All prior reviewers' comments regarding the script aside, the acting talents of David Suchet must be addressed here. There is only a small, select group of people that will have had the incredible opportunity to see what I have seen in the past few weeks. I watched this movie about two weeks after I saw David Suchet in "The Last Confession" on stage in Australia. In this move (Curtain), he plays an old, bloated (even fat), very ill man. One could truly believe he was on his last leg. However, just a few weeks ago (less than a year after this movie was made), I had the pleasure of seeing his performance in "The Last Confession". In this play, he was vital, animated, incredibly energetic, vibrant, extremely fit (even buff!), and nothing short of amazing. This is a testament to his amazing acting talent that he could go from being the character in this movie (Curtain), of course with a big nod to make-up, padding, etc., to the amazing character on stage I saw. I really didn't have a thorough appreciation of his acting chops until I saw him in this play.
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