Tender family and relationship drama set in the Middle East
7 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"May In the Summer" (2013 release; 99 min.) brings the story of May. As the movie opens, we see May arriving (from New York) in the Middle East (Jordan), where she meets up with her mom and her 2 sisters. May is getting ready for her wedding in a few weeks to Ziad, a secular Muslim who is a professor at NYU. May's mom, an Arab Christian, disapproves of the marriage. Meanwhile we also get to know May's dad, who divorced her mom 8 years ago and is now remarried to a much younger woman. One evening, May and her sisters go out and May gets to know Karim. Will May marry Ziad? Will her mom change her mind and approve of the marriage? And what about May's friendship with Karim? To tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: first, this movie is a tour-de-force for writer-director Cherien Dabis, who also stars as May. She is an up-and-coming talent and this is her second movie as a director. Second, the movie stretches both into comedy and drama, but in the end this resonates best as a tender family drama. There are several outstanding scenes, including between the three sister, all of whom have insecurities they have trouble dealing with. The relationship between May and her mom, and May and her dad, respectively, are also presented with rich details. Third, the movie is set in and near Jordan, and as such it makes for a great travelogue. Check out the sisters' visit to the Dead Sea, which is captured in all of its glory (I had a chance to visit the Dead Sea several years ago, loved it).

"May In the Summer" opened without any pre-release hype or advertising at my local art-house theatre here in Cincinnati this weekend, and I figured this will not play very long so I went to see it right away. I had a private screening at the matinée showing I saw this at (I was literally the only person in the theatre). No matter. This is an excellent movie, and it made me think of Woody Allen's "Hannah And Her Sisters" for some reason. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention that Dabis did her undergraduate here at the University of Cincinnati. All that aside, if you are interested in a tender family drama that is MILES away from your standard Hollywood fare, you cannot go wrong with this. "May In the Summer" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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