Laser Mission (1989)
Crazer Mission
14 September 2014
This is another quality bad film from the eighties that makes little to no sense, but has plenty of explosions, gunfire and daftness to keep you happy.

Brandon Lee is sent to some country to rescue randomly accented scientist Ernest Borgnine. What country it is I have no idea, but it has plenty of cubans, a desert, camels and diamond mines and seems to be run by Germans and Russians. The German bad guy here is Werner Pocath, who somehow must have got lost trying to find the latest Italian production and ended up in this film instead.

Brandon puts us through our paces by doing impressions of beggars and military officers before hooking up with Borgnine's low-cut dress wearing daughter and tearing off looking for Borgnine, who can somehow use lasers and diamonds to make nuclear weapons, all done to the tune 'mercanary man" by David Knopfler, over and over again.

To hell with the plot. You've got many impossible gunfights (even Borgnine gets involved), things blowing up real good, terrible banter between our heroes, lots of standing around laughing, bad guys that won't die and other bad guy who do really stupid things, like releasing Lee from handcuffs and getting immediately killed.

You've also got a punch up filmed from underneath a horse's stomach, editing that makes no sense (especially a fist fight with Pocath, where they randomly teleport onto a roof), and the battle at the end while have you going "how did they?" and "Why did he?" to yourself (or friends, if you have any of those). There's even a spelling mistake at the end credits by the people who did the end credits, in their own credit!

This SCi-fi free film is part of Mill Creek's 50 Sci Fi Classics box set. So it'll cost you barely anything.
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