Propaganda filled trash
15 September 2014
This movie is nothing but anti-western communist propaganda, the cold war never ended and those that convinced us it did are guilty of the ultimate betrayal and according to the UN's definitions, genocide. From the opening of this movie it's filled with negative and destructive propaganda, the introduction of walburgs daughter is telling, she and her friends want to "get a tan and get wasted" tanning is destructive to the skin, unhealthy, increasing aging to the skin and it's downright xenophilic for anyone with light skin to want darker skin and obviously getting wasted is very destructive to the individual and the family as well, they portray her father as an antiquated oaf who thinks her slutty clothing is inappropriate while they portray her as a mature and responsible person, they even spell it right out for the really dumb people in a conversation early on where she says shes more mature than he is. The makers of this movie know that children are watching transformers, it's not an R rated film, they know exactly what they're doing to condition children. The "minorities" in this film are also comically stereotypical. They've managed to turn a benign children's cartoon series into a metaphor for the mass immigration of western society but portray anyone against the mass immigration as being evil, phobic and regressive. Communists have controlled the media for over 100 years and most of these communists are members of a single ethnic group that is not native to the areas they disproportionately rule over, this makes their actions outright genocide.
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