Finding Fanny (2014)
India's "Wes Anderson" film
16 September 2014
The one unique feature about this film is that though it is shot in English and Goan, the English that is spoke is Indian-Indian-English. People speak this kind of English in Mumbai, Goa and neighboring places so I was pleased to see them play attention to the distinct language accent that various parts of India employs. I laud the director for that.

I thought all the actors did a good job. The reason I saw this film was because it had come highly recommended and secondly I wanted to see what Deepika would do with a film where she has to speak in English. I came in with expectations but I enjoyed the film. It is very unique, some scenes are funny, the film has its own gripe with the character subtleties.

The film is quite unpredictable except for the end. Yes, it is humorous but don't expect the best film of the year. It is far from it. It's a good film that doesn't take itself too seriously. Neither is it indulgent at all. This stands in its best favor.

Dimple Ji was outstanding I thought. Arjun Kapoor who I actually dislike a lot was also tolerable so the director has done something right.

Watch at the theaters, please don't be a cheap-skate and go with 7/10 expectations. Bye now.
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