Summerslam (1999 TV Special)
Great PPV! Mankind's 3rd reign started here..
20 September 2014
1. WWF European Title Match and Intercontitnental Championship: Jeff Jarrett Vs. Champ-D Lo Brown 8/10

2. Tag Team Gauntlet: Edge/Christian Vs. hardy Boyz/Viscera & Median/Albert & Drozd/Acolytes - Acolytes eliminated Edge & Christian, then approached Hardcore Holly/Crash - Best tag team Acolytes won in that amazing bout. 9/10

3. WCW Hardcore Title Match: Al Snow Vs. Champ-Big Boss Man - Match on Fully Loaded was better even Bossman won. 7/10

4. WWF Women Title Match: Champ-Ivory Vs. Tori - Champ retained. 6/10

5. Steve Blackman Vs. Ken Shamrock - Ordinary bout in round cage 7/10

6. Test Vs. Shane McMahon - I almost forgot that Test dated Goddess Stephi :) He won in an exciting match. 8/10

7. WWF Tag Team Title Championship: Champs-Kane/X-pac Vs. Big Show/Undertaker - After this we have new champs 7.5/10

8. Kiss my A€€ Match: Mr. Ass Vs. The Rock - Somebody thought that Billy Gunn get victory? 8/10

9. WWF Triple Threat Championship: Mankind Vs. Triple H Vs. Champ-Steve Austin - One of the best Title matches, great scenario and Foley won over Austin in clean way! Get it? It's 1999, Austin on top... Simply 10/10
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