Sorry, its a meal but not as great or as complete as Jandhyala's other movies which have been feast of characters.
20 September 2014
Sorry, its a meal but not as great or as complete as Jandhyala's other movies which have been feast of characters.

It took me back by many years technically again, very badly edited and very badly captured and the close ups make up is really irritable and we wish to have more long shots of few characters. When there were Blade Runners and Indiana Jones being made in Hollywood, we had parallel films in Hindi Film Industry and by this time other film industries have been emerging technically, but do not know for what reason, was this movie so very bad technically. Technically, I mean is editing, cinematography, sound design, art direction and the overall production design.

Most Jandhyala's movies have eccentric characters and terrific dialogue but fall way short technically. Now, let me come to writing, this movie dialogue is as good as his any others but the characters are so very varied and the plot is so very little. The actual plot of Rajendraprasad also seems to be a sub plot and Veerabhadra Rao and Brahmanandam's story telling seems to be the main one.

Too many diversions in terms of characters and each one is as eccentric as the other. If one sets up Anti Women Association, the other sets up Anti Man Association, if one revels in telling stories, the other enjoys doing yoga, if one earns money by deceiving others being a policeman, his wife tires all to make herself a record holder. Man, if I go on the list is endless. Even Hanuman has been made comical in this and when asked a question he says, "I just say something in Sanskrit and disappear whenever I encounter a tough question". Silly in many ways, but innovative in few. It's really a tough job to judge Jandhyala's movies coz we remember, not the story but the characters.

I very seriously think, he had a character in mind and used to weave a plot around him and then turn into a script,. Dialogues are original but the plot is age old is his formula for many movies.

I will go with 2/5 for a movie that has characters but not really great characters whom you can for long remember. The master gave us much better movies and many memorable characters than this film has.
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