I will say this immediately and without reservation, this movie is an absolute joy of a slashing gore-fest.
17 September 2014
There is no attempt here to add any political or social commentary on today's society and the young people within it. Nor does it have any pretensions of intricate or philosophical dialogue between the cast, and that isn't meant as a criticism because what we have here with The Redwood Massacre is a chilling authentic old fashioned slasher horror with multiple violent deaths and gallons ( and I mean oodles of gallons) of blood and gore.

The dialogue is crisp, the acting is better than some indie standard fare and the films pace is first class.

It has to be said that a film shot in the North East of Scotland couldn't really help but look good, after all, this part of the world is most definitely gods own. That being said, this is a movie that is wonderfully shot. The camera-work is truly stunning, not just in the outdoor sequences but in the dim and claustrophobic interior scenes which add an intense layer of added terror. The colours and textures of the film are a feast for the eyes. Besides looking good, it all sounds great with a beautifully evocative soundtrack score by Leah Kardos that adds the perfect level of atmospheric chills to the overall experience.

Most importantly, we have a genuinely chilling slasher murderer who essentially ticks all the boxes for what makes a good genre killer. He is a killing machine that seems to take a very special pride in using a variety of grotesque and imaginative methods of killing, gutting and disemboweling his victims, and then saving the various body parts for, well, who knows what? He's a brilliant character who may not say much, but his actions speak far louder than any words could, after all, he's not much for conversation - well except for the odd guttural scream or two from his victims in response to the thrusting of his hands into ones chest to pull out ones still beating heart.....Honest to god, I would love to know how many gallons of blood and gore had to be ordered to make the incredibly authentic effects......that is, if they are actually effects......
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