Oh! No! Here We Go Again!
23 September 2014
Gamera 3 is yet another Sci-Fi/Rampaging Monster flick that, sorry to say, goes over the same, old, tired ground, offering the viewer no real surprises or novel twists to its "been there/seen that" story.

Yeah. OK. At times Gamera 3's scenes of heavy-duty mass destruction and its monster effects were so crazy, wild and over-the-top that they were actually kinda fun to watch.

But, in the long run, I found the creatures were just too goofy looking (and, yes, even sluggish at times) to be viewed as anything else but the most laughable nonsense imaginable.

Anyways - If some time you find yourself with about 90 minutes to kill, then Gamera 3 might not be such a bad choice of movies to watch in order to throw that time away. (You can either do this alone or with some of your like-minded mates)
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