Run Like Hell (2014)
Like eating an oatmeal sandwich --yuck ! ! !
25 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Guy;s,i;m sorry,and so was this cardboard movie.I can sit thru nearly any bad film , most of the time.Sometimes even without hitting the F.F. button.Watching this one was like eating un-cooked oatmeal ,on stale whitebread.I cant even really say what was the worst things about this fart-blower....bad story ,bad acting ,bad writing ,bad actors ,bad effects ....bad dog ! .As i kept forcing myself to this visual beating ,i got the feeling it was some shoddy flick,made in ? country,because of the odd voice-overs,and lack of feelings,or emotion from the actors.I;ve heard better "hill-billy" done in Asian kung-fu movies.No hot chicks ,no cool gore ,no real action, way ! unless someone pays you to watch this ,or you want people to leave your place A.S.A.F.P. ,do yourself a solid ,and do something pull your own teeth ,mow the lawn ,hell,mow your buddy;s lawn...i think you get the point.I looked in a mirror ,and gave myself a stern cussing ! ! ! - avoid !
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