Our Father (III) (2014)
Accurate portrayal of important family & social matters
24 September 2014
This is an excellent film that accurately portrays the difficult and heart wrenching effects of dementia/Alzheimers on a family. In an unexpected twist, it also shows the far-reaching consequences of trying to change who a person is; how it molds the human psyche and can negatively affect a person (and their future relationships) for the rest of their lives.

The camera work by DP P.J. Gaynard is imaginative and engaging and every role is thoughtfully & brilliantly acted by all of the performers.

Michael Gross is brilliant as "John". Having been a long time fan of his from his "Family Ties" days, I was pleasantly surprised to see him show such a dynamic range. No "Father of the Year" award here!

I enjoyed the contrast in relationships that "Jared" (Michael Worth) and "Danny" (David Topp) have with "John" (Gross) As in real life, it's a constant roller coaster ride of emotions and reactions. The protective firmness along with love and tenderness shown by David Topp as "Danny" is real and touching.

While she does not have a great deal of screen time, Eileen Grubba adds an extra layer of depth to this piece and also does an outstanding job of being hard and soft at the same time. She flows so effortlessly in this role, it made me wonder how much of her performance is experience-based and how much is pure acting know-how.

I was engaged from beginning to end. I hope to see this turned into a full length feature film in order to get more of the back story and fill in a lot of the blanks. The film makes us care about these characters and we'd like to see more of the road that led them to where they are today.

Two thumbs way up and kudos to all cast & crew.
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