Review of Fed Up

Fed Up (2014)
Sad, True but a tad useless
27 September 2014
As a doco this isn't half bad, it's informative with interesting graphics to keep the viewer interested. However I felt so frustrated and angry watching this! No.1 I know the premise of this Documentary is to showcase the addictive nature of sugar and it's control over our lives and yes it does that, but why are the subject matter so naive and stupid? I don't understand how people can choose to ignore their own responsibility to this 'epidemic' and blame the food companies solely? This is what I got out of this documentary. Seems the parents and their lack of education and responsibility to their kids is not important!

Maybe we are different is Australia, but I thought it's the parents' responsibility to provide food for their kids, not turn to the school cafeteria and then fast food companies to provide this for them.. these people are over weight yet sitting around the table scuffing down bowls of sugary cereals!?

We sit around and wait for governments and then these big food companies make decisions for us so we can follow them blindly.. or so this documentary will make you believe.

It is outrageous what is happening with food production around the world but if a product comes in a box with massive promotional casing 'sugarcoating' the shite that is inside and then we blame them for making poor choices for us, then I'm sorry we are to blame. Real food isn't processed nor does it need to be marketed. It doesn't expire in 2018 when it's 2014.. If you are in a country where tomato paste on a pizza is classified as a vegetable, and you accept this as fact then maybe Darwin had it right: 'survival of the fittest'.

We need to accept accountability on our choices and not have bias opinions shape them for us. This documentary in short needed to also point out the horrible educational flaw in the US system and not just the lack of labeling and pointing to food companies.. it's the role of the government to control and educate not to be influenced by greed. I feel sorry and hopeless for the US if this is where their focus lies.
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