Marvellous (2014 TV Movie)
Nello Baldwin - a man who sees things differently...
26 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Marvellous"is a docudrama about Neil Baldwin,a man who is wired just a little differently to most of us.Neil can see a solution before a problem is even apparent to others."It's good to be nice to people" is his credo and he lives it 100% long after most of us would have thought it's good to give some people a smack.A footballer at Stoke City refers to him as a "mong" and Neil says calmly and politely "I am not a mong" and carries on having forgotten the incident. The programme could have been mawkish,or sentimental,or patronising,or deadly serious,but in fact it is very funny and uplifting - much like its subject. Neil's obsession with Stoke City F.C. leads to him being given the job of kitman by the then manager Lou Macari who is eventually poached by Celtic but he uses Neil as a sub in his last home game - a wonderful gesture. As Macari is leaving he turns to Nello and says "You once asked me who was my best signing?Well,you were far and away".Brilliantly played by both actors. The programme is made in what might be described as the Richard Lester school of early post - modern irony with Neil Baldwin appearing as himself from time to time,correcting the screenplay when it is in danger of verging into the hyperbolic. Neil is a registered circus clown and a stalwart student helper at Keele University whose work was recognised by an honorary degree. But you feel his heart is at the football club where he has become a cult figure. But most of all,"Marvellous" is a celebration of the indomitability of the human spirit,the triumph of the unorthodox and the affect of a truly child - like grown - up person on those around him. I found it funny and moving in equal measures and turned off the TV feeling slightly more optimistic about my fellow men than is my wont at 10.30 at night.
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