A very decent film. A great tribute to B-Films.
29 September 2014
I personally thought the film was good. Very good in fact. Now I will say that I do like AVGN, but some of his episodes haven't been the best. Some are better than others, Mostly because it seemed like during 2010 to 2012, when he made a good comeback as well as working on the movie, it seemed like he was forcing some of the things he put into the reviews/episodes, but then again I guess that's not really here or there.

I didn't have a lot of expectations of the film personally, but I thought it was alright. Some don't like it and that's fine. Maybe they like James, maybe they don't. They saw it and they either liked it or didn't. That happens to every movie. People like it, people don't.

The reasons I didn't have a lot of expectations on this film is there are movies based on shows that are terrible when there's a feature film done from a show. Sometimes important elements are left out of the movie, like a character trait or some plot that has been established in the show are either contradicted or just ruined one way or another in the film. Another thing I have to mention is people complain the film looks like garbage or something to that effect with the budget it had. I have an explanation for that, actually James does as he's said it a couple of times that people might not have caught, which is even in this reviews title: The film is attribute to B-Movies. A B-Movie that comes to mind is Plan 9, From Outer Space.

With that said I thought it was appropriate that the film look low budget like the series looks low budget, since you know it is low budget. I just wanted to say that as that's some complaints I've seen on here. But if that had in impact whether or not you like The AVGN Movie, then that's your experience. I didn't see it in a theater, but I rented it online, and I've heard that the experience is different when watching it alone on a computer than it is with a packed theater. But maybe not. That's what I've heard from those who saw it on the big screen and it could be true. I could believe that it would be better seeing it in a movie theater.

In the end, I liked the film. The Nerd's new adventure is entertaining, the story I felt was good with the E. T. game and all. Some complain about the run time, which I think I can agree with. If the film was cut down maybe 15-20 minutes not a lot would be lost. That's one complaint I've got with the film, but it's not major by any means. One other complaint is the romantic part of the story, while okay, didn't really need to be there. It seemed like it was there to help with the plot and I think the plot was good the way it was. I guess I thought the romantic element didn't need to be there or if it was deemed necessary to have in the film, then it maybe should've done in a different way. But the overall plot and theme of the film was good in my opinion.

The new characters are alright, but aren't anything too special. James as The Nerd is still just as great as he is in the show, IMO. Some may disagree and that's fine. For what it is: the acting, production quality and all that other stuff I didn't cover I feel is good and helped give the film a certain charm to it.

I do feel this is going to be a cult film one day, or at least has the potential to become a cult film. I'm sorry if I didn't spoil anything major for you, but there are some spoiler reviews and honestly, I feel people should see the film for themselves. That's just me, like it or not.

I would like to see a film made by James that's not AVGN related though. I think he has talent enough to do something non-AVGN related, but at the moment, people want AVGN and that's fine. I'm sure there's more to him than that, hell he's even said he has other film ideas that aren't related to AVGN.

Whether people want to see that film or others that might be like one he's got on his mind is another story. On one hand he has his fans who he wants to please, and that's fine and understandable.

But on the other hand, he wants to show he's more than just The Nerd. He has other ideas, that I, frankly would like to see one day. That's just me though...

I give this film 8 out of 10. It's very good. And not as bad as a lot of people say it is too. If you watch this film, go in with an open mind. Trust me, I did and it helped the movie experience. Don't come in with high expectations, have low expectations, but not too low, where you might not like it as you might of had a negative feeling before hand.
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