Elephant (2003)
Elephant was the most unemotional school shooting movie ever
1 October 2014
Elephant was so boring! The description on IMDb.com says Elephant follows six characters in their daily lives and don't we ever. The description didn't lie. All we see is these six chosen characters walking and their pointless mumbling to people they pass by. Nothing even remotely interesting happens for twenty minutes and the interesting part lasts roughly one second, maybe less. But it is just enough to keep some sort of tiny interest.

"Elephant" didn't develop any characters at all. We didn't get into their lives or thoughts or friends, we could barely even hear them speak. We follow them through the movie but we have no idea who they are. These six are complete strangers to us. None of them are memorable in the slightest.

"Elephant" was the most unemotional school shooting movie ever. The acting was terrible, there was no emotion or any sense of panic during a very emotional and appropriate time to panic. I didn't care about this movie at all which is hard to say about a movie dealing with a school shooting.
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