Star Trek: The Next Generation: Frame of Mind (1993)
Season 6, Episode 21
Riker in the Snake Pit!
1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This Matrix-like plot with numerous twists and turns is really quite engaging. It involves Will Riker, who is rehearsing for a play. He is really quite good and the performance with Beverly Crusher at the helm (directing) is going to be performed soon. Suddenly, he finds himself in a facility for the insane. He is told he has killed someone and because of his insanity, he may be free from prosecution. Something has happened to his mind and he is trying to cope, but he slowly becomes institutionalized. There are layers upon layers of reality. We don't know if we are seeing his mind's eye or there is a true reality. He slowly begins to accept where he is. He even meets what appear to be Picard, Worf, and Troi, but even they turn out to be illusions. This is really a quirky episode with Jonathan Frakes putting in a very exciting performance.
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