This was seriously fun
2 October 2014
This is not a high brow movie. It's a silly fun romp. And as a fun romp, it's a wonderfully delightful and funny movie. If you like Bollywood movies and you like silly comedies you will probably like this movie. This is one of those movies you just have to give yourself over to.

Sunny and Bobby Deol are wonderful in their roles. I'm not used to seeing Sunny so clean and his beard was so beautiful and his smile. (sigh) However, the actor who surprised me the most was Anupam Kher as Dude-G. I had no idea that man has such range - which I realize is a strange thing to say for a movie - that's basically a lot of set pieces/spoofs on other movies loosely woven around a fairly predictable plot line. However, he was great - really owned his role and again, I didn't know he had that sort of range. And Jhonny Lever is always funny, and he delivered exactly what you want from J. Lever.

So, why did I like this movie if it was so over the top and silly. It delivered. It was a bit disjointed at first and I had trouble following who everyone was. However, once the story lines converge - it's all romp from there. I liked the plot. It was simple and went exactly where I wanted and needed it to go. I like to be surprised to - but there is something to be said for a simple plot.

The references to other movies - really funny. And yes, you do need to know who Salman Khan is to get a lot of the jokes. I laughed through this whole movie. The Orangutan Einstein was funny, surprisingly necessary to the plot, and I was howling during the My Name is Sheila sequence.

The final battle was wonderful and funny and, for me, the whole movie held together well. Yes. It's over the top. Yes, it's silly. Yes, it makes a LOT of references to other movies. Yes, it's totally unbelievable. Still, I thought it was well acted and I was totally engaged in the love stories - even though it was obvious how they were going to end. That's one of the things that I love about Hindi cinema. It delivers what you want it to - and this movie does. If you don't know going into the movie that it's going to be over the top silly based on the poster which features a man in a bad orangutan suit, well, there is no helping you.

PS - I was telling my husband about it and my 9 year old son is now quite eager to see it (he likes Hindi movies too - start them young). So we will be watching it again shortly.
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