The British (2012–2014)
Stirring and Stirling
6 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Like all histories, they are written by the historian or race that is dominant. The British is a reasonably good way to entertain and inform while trying to condense over 2000 years of the life of these islands. I see that the bad reviews have been written by those others than the British, so, let's reiterate here shall we? It is a fact that English is the dominant world language. It is a fact that the British expanded the most powerful empire the world has ever seen. It is a fact that we are and were a nation of inventors and entrepreneurs. It is a fact that we, not the Americans, did in fact invent the modern world. It is a fact that Americans drive on the wrong side of the road.

It is a good series, not always accurate, for instance the role of Mary Seacole in the Crimea. While downgrading Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole was elevated to the position of battlefield saint. Wrong, she ran a bawdy drinking house for the troops. That said, it's not bad and worth the 8 out of 10 stars I'd like to give it.

Just read the review from AquamanUK. Hmmm, he obviously doesn't understand the difference between Mediterranean and African. Sorry pal, the Romans were definitely not black. They were olive skinned. Whether you like it or not, the British did invent the modern world and to rip apart a series that covers the salient points of 2000 years of history is a bit silly, but having read your other critiques, I can see why. I guess the only movie that would pass muster for you is one you wrote, produced, directed and starred in all by yourself.
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