The Cat's Out (1931)
"The Cat's Nightmare" is more like it!
7 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is an early short in the Silly Symphonies series produced by Disney. There will be spoilers ahead:

This is an atmospheric short with something of a plot, which wasn't typical for the early Silly Symphonies. The cat is put out (along with the milk bottle) and the short starts out slowly, in a most conventional manner, with the cat meowing on a fence and shoes being thrown.

But the short turns on a dime when the cat stalks a bird on a weather vane, falls, hits the ground and nine cat ghosts begin to float skyward. The cat manages to wrestle the ninth soul back. That's when things go *BANG*! The cat is accosted by the bird, grown much larger, which then multiplies.

Things simply get stranger from here, with scarecrows, bats, spiders and dead trees all in a competition to see which can make the cat's night the most disturbing. Finally, with dawn, things settle down, the cat wakes up and all ends mostly well. The end is very good.

This short is available on the Disney Treasures More Silly Symphonies DVD set and both the short and the set are worth getting. Recommended.
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