Lacking in Several Aspects
8 October 2014
Once a month the people of Troy sacrifice one of their daughters to a giant sea monster in order to appease its wrath. Those families who flee Troy to protect their daughters from being sacrificed are often captured by pirates and sold into slavery. In one particular case a pirate ship is spotted by a ship named the Olympia which has in its crew "Hercules" (Gordon Scott), "Ulysses" (Mark Hulswit) and "Diogenes" (Paul Stevens). Needless to say, the fight doesn't last very long and the captives from the pirate ship are subsequently freed. It's then that the crew of the Olympia learns about the sacrifice in Troy and Hercules anxiously decides to combat the sea creature and free the citizens of that city. But even though they are enthusiastically welcomed by "King Petra" (Steve Garrett) things aren't as simple as they appear. Now, rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a very short movie (only 47 minutes) which didn't seem to have the same feel as other movies in this genre. Of course, being a television pilot probably had much to do with this. In any case it was lacking in several aspects and as a result I rate it as below average.
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