Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver (2013)
Season 7, Episode 13
Not too shabby
8 October 2014
This episode wasn't too bad as a whole. Unlike most of the other episodes these days, this one didn't have me shaking my head when things just started getting silly or illogical. There were certainly a few moments that made me stop and think....but why?....but not nearly as many as the earlier episodes in this season.

Things I liked:

The doctor playing against himself was really interesting, and allowed Matt Smith to really do some fascinating acting

The plot was pretty cool, liked the abandoned worlds biggest amusement park, and upgraded cybermen

Good solid performance for Clara, a strong role where she really seemed to come into her own

Things I disliked:

The kids were definitely annoying

The fact that the Cybermen just instantly adapted to...anything. I get that they are smarter, better, and upgrade themselves to adjust, making them the ultimate weapon...I LOVE this idea...but it just seemed too much when they just insta-upgrade for literally anything. At least give them some time to regroup, instead of just power through everything.

I don't know why the emperor didn't just get them all beamed up in the first place. If all he had to do was say some words, and the bomb would be activated and they would all be beamed up to the main ship safely....uh, why not do that in the beginning? I get he didn't want to be emperor, but really? Let people die? Put plenty of people in danger? All because he didn't want to be the most powerful man in the universe? Idk, just seemed like a silly wrap up that had no real explanation of why he didn't just do that immediately
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