Charmed: Morality Bites (1999)
Season 2, Episode 2
The One Where They Go Into The Future...
8 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. It is one of my all time favorite Charmed episodes. It's just so good.

In this episode, Phoebe has a premonition that she is burned at the stake. And they wonder why a news broadcast talking about a baseball player, triggered it. They need to find a way to stop this from happening. They find a spell in the Book Of Shadows, that will take them to the future. But they must be careful, as they can only use the spell once. Once they do, it will disappear. What I don't get is, why can't they just write the spell down on another piece of paper, so they can use it multiple times. Anyway, I'm over thinking it. They cast the spell that takes the to the year 2009. Ten years into the future. Wow, a lot of things have changed. What I like about this episode is the fact that they don't make the future to futuristic. The cars just look newer. It's really the only difference. I get sad when I watch something like Back To The Future Part II, where by the year 2015, we're meant to have flying cars and accurate weather. Once again, off topic. Instead of being able to observe their future selves, they are actually in the their bodies. This is different from the Season 1 episode where they go back in time to the year 1975. So many things have changed. Prue is blonde, and owns four Buckland's Auction Houses. Piper is divorced and has a daughter, Melinda. Turns out that her husband is Leo. And Phoebe is in jail and about to be burned at the stake. Unfortunately, the spell was meant to take them two weeks before Phoebe was supposed to die, instead, it took them to that day. Prue and Piper try and find a way to break Phoebe out of prison. Their powers have also changed. Prue can move so much stuff at once. Like destroy an entire attack with the wave of her hand. Piper can freeze so much more, like an entire city block. And Phoebe also has the power of what I think is, electrocution and levitation. They don't really explain what her newer powers are. It turns out that Phoebe had killed a man, because that man killed her friend, but was released from prison. Prue and Piper arrive just in time. Phoebe is literally on the pyre, and the fire is about to start flaming. Phoebe makes Piper and Prue understand why she must die. So, she gets burned. And then they wake up, back in 1999, and Phoebe is all okay. They arrive a few minutes before they left, because what they did then, which was flicking dog poop on the dog owners shoe, because he never picked up after it, was the wrong thing. That man turned out to be the man who has Phoebe burned. And the reason that Phoebe got her premonition when the news story about a baseball player was on, was because, that is the man she killed.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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