Madam Secretary: The Operative (2014)
Season 1, Episode 3
An improvement to the first two episodes
12 October 2014
I have often criticized the jagged beginning to "Madam Secretary" over the past month, jeering at the minimal effect it produces compared to the stellar television that follows it on Sundays ("The Good Wife"). Yet "The Operative" outdid the efforts from the first two episodes. It was smoother than ever before and carried the several story lines nicely. The show is far from great, it's still very cheesy, but "The Operative" stands as notable improvement. That being said, "Madam Secretary" squanders its entire episode to an anti-climatic conclusion that makes the viewer feel as if their time has been wasted. The arc derailed "Madam Secretary" off its improvement path with a ridiculous subplot taking center stage. It's evident that the show is trying to appeal to the widest audience possible, but the measures it's going to are and will alienate the people watching who have half a brain. Domestic disruptions and White House work need to remain separate, otherwise the show appears comical.

Grade: B
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