In My Dreams (2014 TV Movie)
Nothing special in this star crossed lovers story -nothing wrong with it either
13 October 2014
This is one of those Hallmark Hall of Fame movies with the great commercials. I've watched quite a few of them over the years and some are better than others. This one, not so much. I did like the premise but ultimately there was just nothing special or outstanding in this star-crossed lovers story. There wasn't anything particularly wrong with it either though, it's cute, light and will pass a couple hours without any bloodshed.

The romance follows a restaurant owner and an architect who are both unlucky in love. After they each cast a penny into a magic fountain (known for bringing lovers together) they both begin to dream of the other, falling in love in their dreams without ever meeting. However according to fountain mythology, they only have a seven day window to meet in the real world to turn those dreams into reality.

Oh and I was still brought to tears by those card ads (damn you Hallmark) -Filmed in Vancouver. 05.08.14
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