Storm Warning (2007)
Smashing climax.
14 October 2014
Rob (Robert Taylor), an Australian barrister, and Pia (Nadia Fares), his smoking hot French wife, go on a boating and fishing excursion. They run into some rough weather, and after making it to land (they're now on French Island), finally find some shelter in the form of a remote shack. Little do they know how much trouble they've just bought themselves: the shack is home to lunatic marijuana growers. Jimmy (David Lyons) and Brett (Mathew Wilkinson) are the dutiful sons, Poppy (John Brumpton) is the sleazy dad. (This lovely family unit also has a bloodthirsty dog named Honky.) They proceed to mock and terrorize Rob and Pia until she finally decides that she's had enough and proceeds to fight back.

There's nothing here that's really original - even the device of having Pia being the stronger one in this married couple - but director / composer / co-editor Jamie Blanks gives this extremely visceral and rousing movie the kind of visual punch that it needs. The atmosphere is excellent, as the wind and rain machines work overtime. The many shots of Australia's countryside are breathtaking. Although things start out rather slowly, the scenario eventually gets pumped full of blood and gore.

The charismatic, creepy Lyons and Wilkinson are superb as the uncivilized hicks, and Brumpton is just chilling as dear old dad. The sexy Fares becomes quite appealing when she shifts into ass kicking mode. Her Rube Goldberg type device of dispatching one of the brothers is priceless. Clearly they underestimate her right from the start! They treat her and Rob with contempt, addressing her as "Oui Oui" and him as "Volvo" (after he's told them what kind of car he drives).

Slick, fast paced (once it kicks into gear), and rousing, "Storm Warning" is fine entertainment of its type. And it ends in very matter of fact style, not bothering with an epilogue. For the most part, it's not exactly memorable, but it shows the viewer a good time and wraps up in a trim 86 minutes.

Seven out of 10.
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