Zombie influence
19 October 2014
Why are zombies popular right now? How did they get so far? This is what this documentary is about. So if you expect to see many bits from horror movies, you'll be disappointed. This also isn't a history of zombie movies in general and you won't find much about the games here either. One omission I really thought should've been in there, is the "bath salt" thing that happened. Something that the media connected with zombies for some crazy reason. This might be in the extras on the DVD though, as the director said at Frightfest, where the documentary was playing.

One of the surprising things watching, was Romeros stance on zombie walks (another phenomenon that keeps getting bigger and bigger). The "Godfather of the zombie genre" (as he is called by many, with Fulci not available obviously for comments) has a big part in this. He is as normal as always, bedazzled/surprised himself about the success his undead (he wanted to call them Ghouls initially) have right now. Not the best documentary made, but if you like to look a bit behind the current hype (with not much knowledge beforehand), you could do worse
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