Homeland: Trylon and Perisphere (2014)
Season 4, Episode 2
Carrie comes home
20 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After the events of last week where a drone strike took out a wedding party along with its target and the CIA Station Chief in Islamabad's murder Carrie and Quinn are back in the US. Carrie assumes it is just to be debriefed before she returns to take over in Pakistan; her boss assures her that she is not going anywhere. This means that Carrie will have to start looking after her baby daughter; something it soon becomes clear she is spectacularly ill-equipped to do. Determined to get the decision reversed she gets in contact was a case officer who had worked in Islamabad before being transferred to a dead-end posting after raising questions about how information was being gathered there. Quinn is also having a bad time; he ends up in police custody after beating two oafish restaurant customers who had insulted the woman he was with.

This series got off to a fine start but I feared things might start to turn soapy now Carrie was back in the US dealing with her baby rather than in the danger zone hunting for terrorists… thankfully it looks as though that is what will be happened as she nicely turned the tables on her boss; whether Quinn will be joining her remains a mystery though. The family scenes nicely, if a little disturbingly, showed that Carrie is definitely not a good mother but also that she is well aware of that. There wasn't too much action but that didn't matter too much as it felt like this episode was primarily setting things up for the rest of the series and getting Carrie back to Pakistan. Overall; not as good as the season opener but still worth watching; I look forward to tensions rising when Carrie gets to Islamabad.
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