Hot Bench (2014– )
I concur withe first review
23 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
These judges are a joke, I don't know what their total background is but I doubt if they're sitting judges. I am nont a lawyer but I do have a law background. At times one of the judges frequently shows racism in her statements. When one plaintiff asked for damages to her car caused by the defendant. The judges decide that the defendant was responsible,but they thought that the amount on the estimate was about 60% of the cars value, so they only gave her $300 instead of the $2,000 that the estimate called for. She needed to be made whole again. $2,000 would have made her whole and returned her car to the condition it was in before the defendant damaged it. $300 doesn't even begin to repair it. Either the judges are incompetent or the were only allowed to sign for wiretaps or other menial task that need someone with the title.
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