You See The Real Christopher and You'll See The Real You
24 October 2014
There are too few people who we meet in our lives that make us want to become better people or who by setting such a great example of drive and kindness, inspire us to be and do more. Christopher Rush was one of those people.

I never knew Christopher but because of the work of countless people touched by Christopher, I now feel I do.

I am so glad that I watched this document of Chris' life because I now feel that I can do so much more and can help others to do the same. I feel now that I must disseminate the messages that Chris himself disseminated his whole life and still does through all who met him and now, through all that meet him through this film.

As a father, I know that I want my children to see the courage and persistence that Christopher had, despite all of the obstacles that life threw his way. He never gave up and did so much. A shining example of a life well lived.

Thank you Christopher Rush.
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