The Twilight Zone: The Howling Man (1960)
Season 2, Episode 5
Catch But Not Keep
26 October 2014
H.M. Wynant plays David Ellington, who recounts to the viewer his walking trip in Europe after the end of World War I, where he became lost and desperate, finding refuge in a monastery during a dark and stormy evening run by Brother Jerome(played by horror film veteran John Carradine) who tells him to ignore the incessant howling of an imprisoned man(played by Robin Hughes) whom he insists is really the recently captured Devil, who he wants to keep locked up indefinitely, though the Devil has many tricks to play, and proves the old adage about being able to catch him, but not keep him, something Ellington will learn all too well... Fun episode is quite atmospheric and well acted, with effective direction marking the striking on-screen transformation that viewer witnesses.
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