Open Up to Me (2013)
Open Up,to Me
26 October 2014
The Finnish film Kerron sinulle kaiken was shown in the U.S. with the title Open Up to Me (2013). It was directed by Simo Halenin.

The protagonist of the movie is Maarit, played by Leea Klemola. Maarit is intelligent, caring, and attractive. At the moment, she's working as an office cleaner, but she's a school counselor, and she's looking for professional work. She's also looking for a man from whom she can get the love the wants and needs. The issue is that she's transgendered. Apparently, even in Finland, professional jobs are harder to get if you're transgendered. Of course, love is possible, but it would have to be with a man who accepts--and is happy with--loving someone who is transgendered.

Maarit does something unethical, and probably illegal. When a therapist leaves town, Maarit, who has been cleaning the office, offers to help a client. (It sounds really bad, but it sort of makes sense in the context of the film.). This leads to love, but is it true love?

I enjoyed this unusual film, and recommend it. We saw it at the Little Theatre as part of the awesome ImageOut, the Rochester LGBT Film Festival. It will work well on DVD.
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