Supernatural: Paper Moon (2014)
Season 10, Episode 4
A Filler Episode: An Honest Review from a Longtime Fan
28 October 2014
I love Supernatural. Supernatural overall is 10/10 for sure, but this episode doesn't deserve anything more than a pass, and this comes from someone who's been with the show from the beginning. I get that fillers sometimes happen in a show that runs for 10 years, especially one with almost 200 episodes.

This was clearly a filler episode no matter what you say. You have to be delusional to give this episode a 10 out of 10. I mean, come on, with all the great shows that are on TV right now (e.g. the Walking Dead), how can you even consider giving this filler episode where nothing happens a 10? This episode doesn't even come close to being anywhere near as exciting as some of the great shows on TV right now.

Don't get me wrong, the episode wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either. The only important scenes are the conversations with Sam and Dean which take up less than 10 minutes of screen time all together. The problem is the choice of plot. I mean, does anyone really care about that werewolf chick who happens to be a character from one of the worst episodes of the show's history (yeah, that crappy one filmed with shaky hands and a hand-held camera)? I know I don't. I mean, seriously. Why don't they revisit interesting characters like that one Anti-Christ Kid from Season 5 who once turned Castiel into a doll? What ever happened to that kid? Gee, wouldn't it be cool to make a follow-up episode about him? What about Cain? The Men of Letters? Yeah, anything but some random werewolf chick, even if her story is supposed to "parallel" Sam and Dean's.

One more thing. Since when did Supernatural become a soap opera? Is this Supernatural or the Day's of our Lives? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I have been having this feeling for a while now that I can't quite shake telling me that the show has lately been focusing TOO MUCH on awkward emotions and feelings between Sam and Dean. IT SEEMS AS IF EVERY SINGLE EPISODE I WATCH LATELY IS ONLY ABOUT CATTY EMOTIONS AND PETTY ARGUMENTS, and I don't want that. That's not what made Supernatural great in the past and it will not make it better in the future. When I watch an episode I want to feel fear, I want to feel excitement, I want an adrenaline rush, I want to be shocked, I want to be mesmerized, I want it to stick with me and to feel like I'm in that world. I just didn't get any of that from episode 4. Although the last three episodes were much better, I have to be honest and say that Season 10 so far hasn't lived up to expectations and has generally been on the whole VERY anti-climactic.

Awesome show, not so good episode. I hope the season gets better.
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