Charmed: Enter the Demon (2001)
Season 4, Episode 4
The One With Limbo...
28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this episode. It's not my favorite episodes, and it's probably one of my least favorite episodes from throughout the series, but it is still worth a watch. It also makes me feel cultural and I like I've learnt something from another country.

In this episode, whilst preparing for the inevitable visit from The Source, Paige is learning all of her potion work. Which I find weird, because we never really see Piper, Prue or Phoebe learn how to do it. But we see Piper that knows a lot because she's wearing glasses, that we only see in this episode, and none of the other 178 episodes. Whilst making her potion, she accidentally says something along the lines of, "I'd love to know what it would be like to be Phoebe". And then potion blows up and Paige switches bodies with Phoebe. I find it weird that Alyssa Milano seems to be playing an entirely different character, but Rose McGowan seems the same. Weird. Anyway, we also see Piper run into a girl who is chasing a man, who stole her father and took them down to Limbo. They need to find a way to get down to Limbo to save her father, and take out Yen Lo, the evil man who took him. Piper finds out what happened to Paige and Phoebe, and once they reverse the spell/potion (I don't know what to class it as, they both work) on themselves, Piper casts the spell/potion on herself and switches bodies with The Zen Master, aka, the Dad. Everyone else eventually gets to Limbo and fight Yen Lo. Paige's power has been amplified so that she doesn't need to say what she's calling for, only think about it. Eventually, Yen Lo is defeated and reborn and Piper and The Zen Master are put back in their normal bodies. Since Yen Lo stabbed The Zen Master, he dies and moves on.

Overall, I give this episode a 7 out of 10.
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