Review of Not Cool

Not Cool (II) (2014)
1 Hour longer than it needed to be. Kinda boring, racially offensive, YouTube Video
30 October 2014
I'm surprised to see such high ratings for this movie. But when I read the reviews from people who gave the movie 9 and 10 stars, it became obvious that they were big fans of Dawson who were more interested in propping up the film rather than review it.

. SO to get a non-fan review To me, the movie was one of the worst I have seen in a long time. Was there a plot? The movie seemed to drag on, with a couple of funny scenes throughout--a couple.

I was most offended and turned off by Shane's treatment of ethnic minorities / people of color in the film: The African-American homeless man (and two other cartoonish Black characters) was INSULTING, not funny; the stereotype of the Latina woman was insulting, not funny--unless you're a bigot; the stereotype of the Indian character was insulting, not funny. The thing that made it even worse for me was that the movie would have played the same had these characters not been played as their negative stereotypes.

It was almost like 2 movies: the beginning was very silly; the middle was simply silly; and the ending was not bad.I will say, however, that the female lead character has talent and was the best part of the film. As for the lead male characters, I had a hard time believing that either of them was into women. Whether or not they are in real life is not the issue, but it made their relationships with the female characters feel forced. Maybe it was their poor acting.
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