Review of Monstroid

Monstroid (1980)
So Bad It Can't Begin to Redeem Itself
30 October 2014
Bob Mitchum's kid (who looks just like the old man) and horror star John Carradine lead a group of the worst actors in this mess. It's about a concrete company that has set up shop somewhere in Columbia. There are several stupid subplots, but the principle one is that in a local lake, people are being eaten by a serpent of some kind. I'm not going to waste much time but to say that there is virtually no relationship among the characters. There is a conflict with a reporter who wants to get the story out, and concrete guy, Mitchum, who wants to stop her, but doesn't try very hard. For some reason, there is some poor unbalanced woman who is suspected of being a witch and the villagers throw rocks at her. Stupid people get eaten by the monster who is finally observed by a couple teenagers. Oh well, there's an hour and a half I'll never see again.
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