Review of The Exes

The Exes (2011–2015)
Can't believe that this make it to the 4th season!
31 October 2014
I can't believe that "The Exes" make it to the 4th season! I don't mean that this is a bad comedy. It's OK-ish. But the networks have canceled faaar more interesting and funny comedies out there.

Anyway. This is a painless "roommates" kind of comedy. 3 men who recently divorced are forced to live under the same roof and across the apartment of the female lawyer who helped them. Obviously the 3 men have totally different personalities and as I remember there were some conflicts in the 1st season but I guess there are more like a family now.

The leads are not too charismatic. Second class more like it.

Most of the jokes are dating related. To tell you the truth I'm kind of bored by the "I am the man and I have a hot date" kind of jokes and the semi-funny pickup lines in a bar.

Another thing that always bothers me in these sitcoms is the fake laughing track which unfortunately is present in this show too.

Overall: It's not a bad series but I hardly think that it is worth the time to watch it regularly.
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