It was Okay...
3 November 2014
Well, there seems to be a real lack of decent "date" movies and/or Rom-Coms lately, so whenever I see one that looks promising, I give it a try. I really didn't know what to expect, as I'd never heard of this movie.

It wasn't exactly very believable, but hey, it's a MOVIE. However, whomever did the makeup effects on Jon Cryer should never work in Hollywood. There is a BIG difference between "Balding" and "Mange." Honestly, the poor guy looked like someone had given him a haircut with a freakin' weed-whacker. I've been around many balding men and they never look like that. Sheesh.

The premise of the movie is a knock-off of every movie where there's some pathetic loser that some "10" becomes involved with and asks them to do their bidding. This one had a twist or two, but still predictable.The characters even mention "Body Heat" as being very true to what was going on in the movie.

The character played by Will Sasso was the one I liked, but was disappointed with the most. I think the character had a chance to really run off with the movie (please?), but Mr. Sasso reigned himself in. Pity.

Overall: Not offensive. Not believable. Not high tech (thank god; I'm sick to death of those). Not particularly clever or that amusing. Did catch the jibe about Ashton Kutcher at the end. Ha ha.
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