"I hope the next time you play with yourself, you go blind."
4 November 2014
Interesting post-apocalyptic movie about a young man (Don Johnson) roaming around with his telepathic dog looking for food and sex. He meets a woman who lures him underground to a place that's unlike anything on the surface.

The movie's written and directed by, of all people, western character actor L.Q. Jones. He adapted this from a Harlan Ellison short story. I haven't read the original so I don't know how much of this script is Ellison and how much is Jones. To be clear, the characterizations and dialogue are what make this movie entertaining. The story is nothing special, really. You've seen one post-apocalyptic movie, you've (at least partially) seen them all. It's a very repetitive subgenre of sci-fi. The idea here about the telepathic dogs only works so well because of the great dialogue in the film. Both the dog and Don Johnson's character are well-written and you care about them both throughout the movie. Well, maybe you care more about the dog. Anyway, it's not a bad movie despite some unpleasantness for the sake of the 'dread god realism.' Give it a shot if you like sci-fi of this type or just cult '70s movies in general.
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